Thursday, October 22, 2009

Scorpio, the ScorpionImage via Wikipedia

With the Sun moving into the sign of Scorpio on October 24, 2009 we are all challenged to face the darkness in ourselves and in the world around us. With Scorpio's ruler, Pluto now in a year long square with Saturn, that which resists transformation will die away, pure and simple.

The New Moon, on November 2nd, comes through stubborn/determined Taurus and is squaring both Mars and Jupiter. Be aware this month of attempts to control the lives of others instead of facing the necessary transformation in your own. Sometimes the things we cling to with white knuckles is just our own resistance to change, and that which can initially appear as loss or crisis can in fact be the doorway to a whole new world.

"He who would be what he ought to be, must stop being what he is." Meister Eckhart
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Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Our fall weekend in Big Bear was inspired! We sat by the fireplace at night,
oogled the gorgeous trees and hiked during the day, and even felt inspired to
do that first steps repair we have been planning for oh-so-long!
I feel blessed to have such a sanctuary to come to!
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Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Delicious...First Rain

the strand

First rain of the season! What a joy! The orange trees around us open their leaves, arching their stems to the life giving moisture, reflecting back the gorgeous gray clouded sky with their newly polished leaves. If it really
rains....wanna go puddle jumping?

A panorama showing a rain cloud on the right

Distant Rain.

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Monday, October 12, 2009

Paralyzing Pleasure

An hour and a half with Bridgette, my beloved massage lady, is worth a million dollars to me! The chance to release all that no longer serves me, into the hands of one who loves me, whom I have trusted and who now trusts me equally, is beyond monetary value.

Over the time we have been working together it has only gotten better, deeper and created an enduring healing in me that allows me to start anew with a fresh sense of purpose and strength.

I tell her she will surely go to heaven for bringing the world such pleasure... but she has such gratitude herself, in having found this work that she loves, that I suspect she already exists there.

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